Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Easy, Yummy, Santa Hat Recipe

Last year I mad some cute Strawberry Santas... Okay they looked a little strange because I didn't get them just right. This year I'm going simple and just doing Santa's hat!

  • Cookies, Cheesecake Squares, or other small desert.
  • Heavy Cream (In the can, tub, or homemade)
  • Strawberries
1. Cut the bottom off of Strawberries. I like to look for the most pointed ones for this and save the other shaped ones for snacks.

2. Put heavy whip cream on your cookie. You don't need too much, just enough for a base.

3. Add Strawberry

4. Top with whip cream on the tip. I like to shape the cream a little bit to make it more smooth on the tip. (See pic below)

5. Serve and enjoy!!

I lie to myself and convince myself that since their are strawberries, it must be healthy! :D These little guys are amazing on cheesecake squares, tiramisu, and more! With the simplicity of this even Little Lady was able to help decorate the cookies. How are you decorating your cookies this year?

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