Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Free Printable - Christmas Bucket List

December kind of snuck up on us this year. Since Christmas is a bit crazy already I try to keep our holiday bucket list a little shorter than our other seasonal bucket lists. This year's list is simple and sweet! Bubee wanted to make sure we did our traditional Family Christmas Breakfast. Rosie Posie and I decided to add one (And only one) elaborate new item: Take a Carriage Ride. A small mom and pop offers Carriage Rides around our town square, and we want to try to enjoy that one day. Whether it will be a date night, family night or girls night out I'm not sure yet. But I can't wait to see what this wonderful season will hold!

Go here to download your free printables. I made 2 versions this year: Mrs. Gingerbread and Mr. Gingerbread. For personal use ONLY!

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