So you made a New Year's Resolution to clean, organize, and purge your household... What a coincidence, So did I ;) I'm hoping to latter on show you some before and after pictures of my house once I'm done. Personally I think my kids are trying to literally nail some of their stuff to the floor because I'm ready to get RID of all this STUFF!!! So for now, let me share with you some of the wonderful resources I've found to help you on your journey of reclaiming your home:
Jump Start
Plans and Challenges
Organizing Tips
Where to Sell your Stuff
Decluttering and Organizing with Kids
Maintaining your Space
With all this great information, what are you waiting for? Get out there purge that house and make it a home!! What are some of your household organization tip? Do you have a great post I should include here? Don't hesitate to let me know and I'll add it to my lists. ;)
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