Construction paper: brown, red, yellow, and orange
Black marker (Or googly eye)
1. Trace or print the pattern onto the brown paper. If printing you may have to trim some of it to fit in the printer.
2. Cut the Orange, Yellow, and Red paper into strips
3. Cut one end of the strips into feather shapes.
4. Save one orange and one red scrap for the beak and wattle.
5. You should have feathers, turkey body, turkey head, a beak and wattle.
6. Assemble the turkey body and add eye.
7. Turn over and glue the feathers down in two rows. Use a color pattern. I used stick glue as that's easy to remove the feathers latter.
8. Starting with the first feather you glued down, start at 1 and label them up to the highest number. This way it's easiest to remove the correct feather each day.
9. Display on a wall or fridge and take turns removing a feather each day.
The kids loved helping with this and take turns removing a feather each day. Bubee suggested cooking the turkey once we've 'plucked' it, but I think we'll pass on that. A couple variations I've seen is to glue the feathers on one day at a time so you have a full turkey by Thanksgiving. Or make the turkey, but instead of writing the numbers on it, write what you're thankful for on one feather each day. This is great for a family or classroom project.
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