Friday, February 14, 2014

Guest and Giveaway: Homemade Lip Balm and Body Balm

The following is a guest post from Joanna at Be Creative Mommy

I love homemade cosmetics, so I do it quite often.The ingredients are simple and it really doesn’t take much time.

I love that all the ingredients are completely natural and good for me. The beeswax provides a tiny bit of sun protection naturally { not replace a sunscreen }. The rest of the ingredients are perfect for dry skin.

what you'll need for BODY BALM
  • 0.5 %  coconut butter
  • 95 %  shea butter
  • 4.5 % cocoa butter
  • containers or glass jar
what you'll need for LIP BALM
  • 0.3 %  almond oil
  • 0.2 % coconut butter
  • 55 %  shea butter
  • 4.5 % cocoa butter
  • 40 % beeswax
  • containers or glass jar
  Play with the ingredients to get what you want.

What you do:
  1. Grate your beeswax.
  2. Place a glass bowl in a pan filled with 3 - 6.5 cm of water and heat on medium. 
  3. Add shea butter, cocoa butter, almond oil, coconut butter, beeswax.
  4. Melt until all the beeswax flakes are melted. Stir with a wooden spoon that you will only use for making balm.
  5. Add almond oil.
  6. Pour into containers {I bought containers in craft shop} 

Do the same. According to me, balm in these proportions are great for the face, hands and feet. If you want to used the lotion easier to add more coconut butter. 

Check out my other homemade cosmetics
Just click on the picture 

* Only for personal use. If you want to make balms to sell, you should find a more specific and precise recipe.


Joanna blogs over at Be Creative Mommy. Her blog is all about creating a beautiful things. She shares daily inspirations for kids, family and home. Check out her Esty shop and make sure to go like her Facebook page!

I'm pleased to announce that there will be TWO winners this week: Joanna is giving away an adorable gray bunny with red heart! I will also be giving away a bonus prize of $5 Amazon Giftcard. Contest ends next Thursday.
The above post(s) may contain affiliated links, product placements, etc. This is how I can afford to buy the supplies to bring you new activites. Thanks for your support!
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