Makes 3 Quarts
10 Med Apples (I've used Red Roma and Pink Lady before)
1 1/2 Cup Water
2 Sticks of Cinnamon
Sugar to taste (I used less than 1/4 Cup)
1. Prepare your jars. Don't forget the lids!
2. Wash, core, peel, and slice all the apples. I LOVE my peeler/slicer!
3. Put apples and 1 1/2 Cup water in pot. Bring to boil and cook 15 minuets. Stir often
until all the apples are soft and the peels separate easily.
4. Transfer to food mill and press through. Make sure to use your little helpers! Return pressed apples to pot. Add 2 sticks of Cinnamon and sugar to taste. Cook for 5 more min.
5. Using a wide funnel, transfer to prepared jars. Add lid and band.
6. Return to canning pot and boil (Water at least 1 inch above jar lid) for 15 min.
7. Remove and place on dry towel. Do not disturb for 12 hours while jars seal.
For "Eat now" applesauce use these measurements and skip the canning:
3-4 Med Apples (I've used Red Roma and Pink Lady before)
1/2 Cup Water
1 Stick of Cinnamon
Sugar to taste
Both Rosey Posey and Bubee love helping with this. Rosey Posey helps peel and cut apples, and some of the milling. Bubee LOVES to help with the food press and feels so big. I usually give a jar to each married couple in the family for Christmas. If sealed properly the apple sauce is good for 24 months so don't forget to label the jars with a date.
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