School's back!! This year I have a child in middle school, grade school, and pre-school (and if you count my husband working on another degree, I've got one in collage)... Wow! I'm all over the place. I have found all of these Apps to be life savers along the way. While I use iOS apps, most of these are available on other platforms too!
Disclaimer: None of this post is sponsored. This is just a list of my personal favorite apps that I've used and enjoyed and want to share. The opinions expressed here are totally my own.
Cozi Family Organizer
Free - In-apps purchases available.
If you haven't gotten on, you need to check it out. This app/web site has saved my sanity SO many times!!! On the web site you set up a profile for each member of your family. You then have a calendar that you can assign member specific schedules to. One of my days may read:
Mom: 9am-5pm Work Kid's Sale
Rosey Posey: 9am-5pm Work w/Mom
Bubee and Little Lady: 8:30am-5:30pm Grandma's
Chris: 7:30am-6pm Work
While that's just a basic day, once you add in art class, pre-school, Bible study and more you can see how the schedule can get a bit crazy. Cozi gives me an amazing break down by Month, Week, and Day. I can choose to view just my schedule, just Rosey Posey's schedule, or everyone's schedule. And my favorite part is being able to quickly remind everyone (Either via e-mail or text) about up coming events.
In addition to a calendar there's also shopping lists, to do lists, a family journal, and meal planner. Upgrade to gold (Which is totally worth the $2.50/month!!) and you also get a Birthday planner, Contact storage, Up to 3 reminders on an event, and more.
Who doesn't need a Dictionary? Not only is it a Dictionary, but also a Thesaurus! This app is so easy to use, and I haven't found a word it couldn't define for me. Whether I'm helping my grade schooler with vocabulary or helping my middle schooler write a paper, this app is a must have!
Evernote is another one of those "Doesn't' matter what part of life you're in, you need it" apps. I can take notes in Bible study, my middle schooler uses it to record some of her classes and look over the notes latter. This app does everything from take a picture and convert it to a note, to record voice notes and type them up. You can even snap pictures of things you need to remember.
Free - In-app purchase available
Every morning you have to choose how to dress the kids: Short sleeves or long sleeves, coat or jacket, umbrella or not? WeatherBug easily takes the guess work out of all of that. You can set up different locations to monitor and quickly get all the info you need from the home page. Or click on 'details' to get a more in-depth outlook. I'm a weather geek (I would have been a meteorologist had I not decided to be a stay at home mom) and love this weather app more than any others since it is just the weather, no news articles or too many bells and whistles to slow the app down. It's just the right amount of info.
myHomework Student Planner
Finally!! Whether you're kids go to public, private, co-op, or home school, this app can help all the school tasks get done. Just set up a class/subject, then add your homework assignments to each class. I love it as a home school mom, I can add Rosey Posey's assignments and she has somewhere to view them all week. The nice thing about myHomework is you sign up for a free account then your info is accessible on your iPhone, iPad, and computer! Bonus: If your teacher uses app then you may be able to just DL all your assignments!
iTunes U
Free - In-app Purchases available
This app is great for older students. Per the iTunes description: iTunes U is the best way to create and experience courses on iPad. The iTunes U app gives you access to complete courses from leading universities and other schools- plus the world's largest digital catalog of free education content - right on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Whether you're majoring in molecular biology at a university, taking Spanish in high school, or just interested in European history, you now have a valuable tool to help you learn anytime, anywhere.
With a huge library of already made flashcards and the ability to make your own, this app will make any subject easy to learn. You can make sight words for your Kindergartner, Addition problems for your second grader, and even help your high schooler study for the SAT. So easy to use!
If your scholar needs time management help, then this is the app for them. With 30/30 you can not only make a todo list, but also assign a time limit or value to eah task. Want your child to spend 10 min reading, 15 min studying their spelling words, and 20 min practicing piano? This app will tell them when it's time to move onto the next activity. I also love to use this app for my own work. I have a cycle set up that helps me Blog for 45 min, take a 5 min break, then a 10 min power clean around the house. It has really helped me balance work and home.
Easy Bib
Any parent who's ever had to help with a bibliography for a paper knows it can be a NIGHTMARE!! Easy Bib allows you to scan in the bar code from a book, save it to a list, then e-mail that list to yourself for easy copy and paste to reports. This is also a great way to keep a list that you can latter edit depending on what you use or don't use.
Early Learning Academy
Free app - Membership required.
If you have a pre-schooler then I highly recommend It really is a wonderful tool. It has helped my son learn to read and now is helping my youngest learn how to use a computer. I was ecstatic to find out that ABCMouse had an app to allow Bubee to work on his skills while we're sitting in carpool for Little Lady. There's really nothing different between the app and the web site, but it's such a great tool I wanted to share it!
What's your must have app for Back to School?
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