Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fall Dinner: Jack-O-Ghetti

This time of year just tends to lend it's self to cute and fun dinner ideas. This past week I made our regular spaghetti night a little more exciting by making Jack-o-ghettis. This simple yet fun tweak made for a memorable dinner.

  • Orange peppers
  • Your favorite spaghetti recipe... Mine is whatever is on sale that week ;)

1. Cut the top off each pepper. Think Jack-o-lantern proportions. You want a smaller 'lid' and larger base. If your pepper doesn't want to stand up on it's own, cut a tiny bit off the base to give it a flat and level bottom.

2. Clean out the inside. I always rinse the inside of my peppers out, just because one of my kidos panics if there are seeds in it.

3. Using a small sharp knife, carve out a face.

4. Fill with your favorite spaghetti recipe and enjoy.

I love how some of the juices just spill out. It give the whole presentation an extra dimension. While Rosey Posey has no interest in eating the actual pepper, both Bubee and Little Lady enjoyed trying the new vegetable. We chopped up Rosey Posey's left over and my husband used it for omelets the next day.

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