Thursday, January 16, 2014

Review of Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit

Disclosure: I received free tickets to an advance screening from I was not asked to write a review, but loved the movie so much I wanted to recommend it to my reader.

My husband has always enjoyed Tom Clancy. He has an entire shelf on his book shelves that holds nothing but Tom Clancy books. Most of the movies he enjoys, his favorite being Sum of All Fears. While I sometimes have trouble keeping up with the fast pace of some of the movies, I must say I still greatly enjoy them so far and the most recent one did not disapoint.

I was a little hesitant to see Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit since it is not based off of any Tom Clancy book, just the characters. Fortunately the movie really felt like it fit. Jack Ryan was Jacks Ryan! While the timeline did not align perfectly with the other stories/movies, the characters and their back-stories all fit.

As a woman, I have to admit I enjoyed the romance of Cathy and Jack. The movie goes a little more in-depth about how they met, the proposal, and beginnings of their relationship than any of the previous movies. As with any man, I know my husband loved the action. The movie starts with Jack Ryan waking from a nap, but after that it's a non-stop thrill ride.

The story line was great, the chemistry between the actors was wonderful, there was just the right mix of humor, and the overall visuals of the movie were amazing. This movie is more than just explosions and spies; so ladies, get some brownie points on your next date night and take your man to see this.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 
Opens this Friday: January 17, 2014.
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