With Easter less than a month away, I am looking for more fun Easter foods. We always have a family Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday before Easter at my grandfather's and everyone brings food. I love to bring the cute stuff ;) I am
- 1 Box of yellow cake mix (and whatever the mix calls for)
- 1 Can squirt yellow icing
- 2 Tubes gel iceing (Black and Orange)
- Yellow sugar
- 12-24 Yellow cupcake liners
2. Ice the cupcakes with yellow icing. Smooth out with a knife or spatula.
3. Sprinkle an abundant amount of yellow sugar on a plate. Dip and roll the cupcake in the sugar to evenly cover the cupcake.
5. Use the yellow squirt icing to add wings. Just a small amount on each side.
6. Use the orange gel icing to add a beak and feet.
And Viola! You have and easy and cute chick cupcakes. Even without a 'perfect' wing (Left cupcake), they still look SO Cute! Meme and I made a couple of these, then started having fun with the rest of the cupcakes, so I thought I'd share some Spring cupcake insperation with you:
The little eggs in the grass are Robin's Eggs (Whoppers) and Reece's Eggs. Most of the others are just fun spring sprinkles we found at Target. Which cupcake is your favorite?
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