Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Bucket List 2014

Did you remember to spring forward this past weekend? I know I hate loosing an hour of sleep and Poor Little Lady is totally off her schedule, but I will suffer a little through that for the return of more sun shine!! :D Winter took me by total surprise this year. I don't put a lot of snow related activities on our Winter Bucket List, because there usually is no snow around here (Metro-Atlanta AKA Hot-lanta), but we got hit with TWO snow storms that basically shut down the city. So, needless to say, I had to transfer a couple unaccomplished items to the spring list. That's okay... More to do!! :D

There are a few more "Work projects" on here than most other seasons, but that's okay. My family loves to get out and start working outdoors after a long winter cooped up inside.

What's on your family's Spring bucket list for  2014? I'd love to hear about it!
The above post(s) may contain affiliated links, product placements, etc. This is how I can afford to buy the supplies to bring you new activites. Thanks for your support!
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