1. What do you love the most about Christmas time?
Family time, baking goodies, giving gifts.

My family get's to do some pretty special things during the Christmas season. I am a booking agent for Santas, my father(Papaw) is a Santa Claus, my mother(Meme) and brother are the photographers and both Rosey Pose and Bubee have been elves. So our season is spent doing a lot of events and serving other families. We can get tired and 'Bah-Humbugish' at times, but for the most part we get to live the magic every day. We've done Christmas Tree lightings, parades, met some famous people, ridden on lots of firetrucks and so much more.
3. Are you leaving anything out for Santa Claus this year so he remembers to leave your presents?
Honestly: Probably not. My children know the story of St. Nicholas and know mom and dad put the presents in their stockings. They know Santa is a fun tradition. We participate in all of those traditions (Pictures with Santa, Stockings, Etc.) I let the kids guide how much they want to believe and/or pretend. It's been a few years since Rosey Posey has wanted to leave out cookies, but we'll see if Bubee wants to or not. I love that this is our tradition, because our kids get to enjoy the traditions and magic of Santa Claus (They have not only their Papaw as Santa, but more than 40 'adopted' Uncles that are Santa) without ever having the disappointment of finding out he's not real. It really is the best of both worlds.
4. What is the one gift you are most looking forward to GIVING? {It can be to your kids, another family member, etc – remember to be discreet if they read your blog!}
My husband hates to plan dates... I LOVE surprises... So this year I have put together a date package for each month of the year that includes some date ideas and gift cards. All he has to do is surprise me with a pre-planed date!
5. What is your all-time favorite Christmas movie?
The Life and Times of Santa Claus (1985). I have a VHS we recorded off TV when I was very little. I FINALLY Found it on DVD this year!!!! It's based on a book by L. Fran Baum (Wizard of Oz)
6. What is your all-time favorite Christmas song?
Carole of the Bells! I love all the harmony. And YES, I know all the words!
7. If given the opportunity would you participate in an “Ugly Sweater” party and what sweater would you wear? Peruse one on the internet or even in your own closet and show us!
No! I don't mean to be a Bah-Humbug, but I hate sweaters of any kind.
8. Have you started any Christmas traditions this year that you plan on carrying forward?
6 Weeks of Cookies. I joined this challenge with Allison over at Go Dansker Mom. My kids love that I make cookies starting 6 weeks before Christmas and space them out over the season.
Usually wet, cloudy and dull. It's too warm to snow, but the past few years we've had rain. That's okay, because it makes it even nicer to snuggle up with family inside the warm house ;)
10. You just found yourself standing under the mistletoe … who comes up to give you a kiss first?
Bubee: He's such a love bug. He will hug anyone (And I mean ANYONE) and loves to give me and his grandmothers kisses and noseys.
I am tagging 10 of my fav bloggers and hope they will continue the tag with the same set of questions and leave the link to their post in the comments.
Abbie - Abulous Fashion
Dara- Not in Jersey
Allison - Go Dansker Mom
Britney - The Princess and Her Cowboys
Chelsea - Sunny With a Chance of Sprinkles
Chandelle - Emilio and Chandelle
Miranda - The Involuntary Housewife
Anni - Anni's Bubble
Cia - Cia Pink Pumpkin
Sherry - Disney By Pixie